Youth Services
The Whole Person provides services that meet the transitional, educational, and social needs of youth with disabilities. The goal is to help youth with disabilities learn the independent living skills needed to make a successful transition into adulthood.
Our current program features the following:
DIY Life Skills
A monthly event for youth 18-24 years old. Join us to learn to advocate for yourselves, how to budget, how to cook, how to do laundry, self-care, and more. Held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 2-3pm at The Whole Person.
High School Youth Transition to Independence Program
An 8-week high school course that provides students with skills and resources necessary to have for transitioning from high school into adulthood.
Peer Support Groups
Peer groups provide a forum for problem solving, brainstorming, sharing of concerns, successes, and ways to address issues individually and collectively.
- Brain Injury Peer Support Group
- Deaf Peer Social and Support Group
- Life With Spinal Cord Injuries or Related Disabilities (SCI/D)
- Mental Health Peer Mentoring Group
- Blindness Low Vision Experience

Virtual Transition Classes
Parents & Teachers - The Whole Person would like to connect with you and your student through "Virtual" Transition Classes! Our classes are designed to provide enlightening topics that will prepare students with disabilities for life after High School.
Topics such as:
- Introduction, Diversity & Disability
- Disability Awareness & Accommodations
- People First Language
- Advocacy & Support Systems
- Communication
- Employment
- Stress Management & Problem Solving
You may choose up to four topics. We hope you will give us a call and give us the opportunity to meet with you online.
Please call 816-561-0304 and "ask for the Youth Team."