Leslie Norman Hubble

"Spine Bridge"
Leslie Norman Hubble
Kansas City, MO
My pieces focus on the struggle to be human, specifically a disabled human, and how to reconcile the inner and outer self. I am obsessed with beauty based on distressing matter and let art interpret disorder and overload. I try to emphasize color, texture, and information. I construct and manipulate images and information from the physical, mental, digital, medical, and cultural realms and let art reveal a truth and beauty.
I draw, paint in acrylic, create collages, and do digital art and photo manipulation, often incorporating detritus such as x-rays, medical imaging, electronic parts, graphs, bar codes, and dolls. I want to confront the frightening and create less conventional ways of viewing the body, mind, spirit, and modern culture.
Thank you for choosing me to be part of Expressions 2020. It impacted me tremendously. Expressions 2021 will expand that impact. I am driven and dedicated to make art, but my disabilities had limited this pursuit. Expressions accommodates the needs of the artist with disabilities and promotes skills to be more independent. My disabilities challenge my ability to pursue many venues and install my art. Having art exhibited at six different galleries is a tremendous gift. I attain greater exposure locally and on social media and learn new and better networking skills. The Expressions classes, conducted by professional artists, will teach me new skills both technically and in marketing. Sharing the grant experience and having my art exhibited alongside the works of other artists with disabilities is extremely rewarding. I do not feel alone or discriminated against but respected and part of a gifted family. Expressions has enhanced my goal of financially supporting myself through my art.
For purchase information, contact lnhubble1957@gmail.com or visit leslienormanhubble.com