• Missouri 816-561-0304
    Missouri 816-561-0304
  • Kansas 913-871-4188
    Kansas 913-871-4188
  • St. Joseph 816-364-0900
    St. Joseph 816-364-0900

    Home Health Care


Brightly colored feather design on wall for background art

2021 Expressions Artists

Sherri Buerky

Sherri Buerky

"Tethered Between"

Sherri Buerky
Kansas City, MO

I am a self-taught artist working primarily in acrylics. Family vacations, traveling to all corners of the US and other countries, influenced the love of capturing on canvas beautiful scenic views. My dreams and imagination also lead me to create.

The Expressions exhibition will give me an opportunity to exhibit my art.

For purchase information, contact Sherrisbeads@Gmail.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/ohlookhowpretty